Thursday, 2 January 2014

Mr & Mrs Payates

On the 30th December, I was the photographer at my friend's wedding. I has been looking forward to shooting this day for a while for a few reasons. 1, I had upgraded to full frame and better lenses. 2, wedding photography is something that I would consider taking on full time as a career and 3, they are just wonderful happy days. I met up with Alex and Louisa a few times before the big day just to make sure everything was planned and ready. With my horror story from my last wedding, I did not want a repeat of what happened then. (nearly missing the wedding). I shot the day mostly on my 50mm 1.4 prime, which was a dream to work with. I am not a lazy person so i didn't mind moving a lot to get the angles I wanted and luckily the registerer was really nice and let me walk around (within reason)



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