Friday, 28 February 2014

DCM Brief Idea #1 Cinematography Basics

Below is a little video I edited together which shows exactly what sort of thing we will be looking to do ourselves. I have taken clips from all sorts of media such as adverts, big budget films and short films off Vimeo, to get my idea across clearly. The aims for this video is to show the beauty and emotion of cinema which means I will need to be paying close attention to what sort of shots I will be using. When we look at the very basics of cinematography, certain shot types of used for certain events in a film. I will be going into more detail when I post about the storyboard and explain reasons for each shot. Below is just a basic overview of the main shots used in cinema. Other shots such as low angle shots, high angle shots, will be covered in a later post.

  • Extreme long shots and long shots are usually used as establishment of a the scene or character or both. We see a lot of these shots at the beginning of films or if we have a change of scene in a film. We will be using this shot to establish our actress at the start of the film as she walks through the scene.

  •  Medium shots are used to show an overview of a subject, conversations between more than 1 person and is a shit that is used to prepare for a closeup. This shot will be used in our film to show the interaction between the characters. It will also be used when we have shots of our actress moving through the scene along as well as long shots. 

  • Close ups and Extreme close ups are using the generate interest, emotion, suspense etc in a shot. This would be a shot that will be key in our DCM film idea. The close up shots will be there to capture the reaction of our actress when she see's the happenings in the scene.                    

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