Friday, 18 April 2014

Pimp My Summer Ball

Lucozade and Club MTV got together for the Club MTV Re-freshers Tour back in January. Lucozade were the tours sponsors which was a three quarters of a million pound deal to go towards branding, giveaways, stage props, media coverage (me) and Pimp My Summer Ball. Pimp My Summer Ball was a competition ran by both Lucozade and Club MTV to try and win £75000 towards their Summer Ball this Summer. The competition was very simple, everyone had tweet their Uni name followed my Pimp My Summer Ball. 

My job was to film each event and instead of creating a video for each Uni we went to, I was just collecting a nice library of footage to use for the final 'Aftermovie' of the Tour and to use for promos for up coming events and promos like the one below. This is the 30 second promo I used to let everyone know when the voting opens. I was provided with around 8 different animated graphics to use to overlay over the video. I decided to buy myself a a plugin package for premiere pro as on there own, without transitions, looked a bit out of place. 

Having these allowed me to keep the animations flowing nicely through the video without just having them change with no transition. I also played around with them on the footage as well as the graphics. Overall I think it gave me a nice, creative piece of video which was eye catching to the audience. It was shown on TV for 2 weeks and went out on all social media.

Below is the 'Aftermovie' I put together for the Re-freshers Tour.  I always look forward to putting these videos together after a tour has finished. It really gives me a chance to work with the best of the best footage and create something that has such impact from beginning to end. I decided to split the video in two halves with 2 tracks. I did this because before I have edited videos that last around 4-5 minutes without a break in music. Looking back at them I feel like they are far too repetitive so because I have been interviewing the last 2 tours. I would stick a couple in the middle to slow things down, give the audience a break and then drop the other track. A lot of the video is shot hand hand with a 5d mark ii another some shots are shot on my new Glidecam. the interviews were recorded straight into a zoom sound recorder and put together with the video in Premiere.

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